Tiletoria West Coast Express
The fastest Flattest Race in the West came through Darling on the 12 October with over 900 cyclists giving it their all!Thank you to all at THE OUTRIDERS CYCLE CLUB for nominating The Trust as your beneficiary for this year’s race.
The R25, 000 cheque which was raised in aid of The Darling Trust’s projects and education programs, was handed over by Rodney and Michelle Beck in Darling on 18 November.
This contribution makes it possible for us to continue with the programmes and projects currently being run by The Darling Trust, as well as opening doors to new projects.
Thank you to all our volunteers who were up at the crack of Darling dawn to stand ready to receive, direct and water the cyclists on their way through Darling to Mamre and home again.
Your dedication and commitment to this cause is a great asset to our town and community – something to be proud of!!!
Bursary Fundraiser with Evita Bezuidenhout – 8 August (Cape Town)
The SANA Bursary Committee hosted a successful fundraiser evening with Mrs Evita Bezuidenhout at the Kelvin Grove Club, Newlands (Cape Town) on 8 August 2014
Everyone was thoroughly enthralled by Tannie Evita and over R180 000 was raised for the SANA Bursary Fund.
The Bursary committee generously contributed of the funds raised, towards our outreach programmes – Thank you SANA and Keith Kirsten!
Keith Kirsten & Tannie Evita
HANS HETTASCH from Arnelia Farms, Tasha St John-Reid – The Darling Trust, Keith Kirsten, Anna Cleophas – The Darling Trust : an evening with Tannie Evita in aid of the SANA Bursary….
24 October 2014 – Dog Show at Darling College
Dear Lloyd and all at Darling College,
On behalf of 60 Evita’s Darlings and their teachers, we can’t thank you enough for yet again considering us in sharing such a special event with us all!
Such an important message rings through to our children in terms of care and respect for our pets around us, and such fun was had by everyone!
Grade R Graduation Concert – 28th November 2013

The boys do the Gumboot Dance

The Girls do the Hula-hula

Graceful Spanish Dancers

Die Groen Tamatie kom Darling toe!

Strutting their ‘stuff’ proudly across the stage with much concentration, each Grade R learner showed off their well-practiced moves which Lyn Hamilton Brown and their teachers have been working on during the year – to an audience of proud parents belting out their appreciation, drowning out the music!! A perfect way to end a year of hard work from both learner and teacher!
Heritage Tours in association with Uthando SA
Heritage Tours support Uthando South Africa – Uthando (Love) South Africa is a unique and innovative Non Profit and Fair Trade in Tourism accredited company. The aim of Uthando is to raise funds and other forms of assistance for community development projects in South Africa.
James Fernie (director at Uthando) has generously considered the Trust on a number of occasions with ad-hoc contributions towards our programmes and projects. James nominated The Trust to assist Heritage Tours with an art competition where they challenged a number of their industry colleagues to put crayon to paper and produce artwork, which was then judged by the young artists of The Elsie Balt Art Classes in Darling.
Uthando work tirelessly in promoting awareness for visitors from all over the world about the townships and the lives of the people who live there through existing projects addressing mostly emotional, physical, economic and educational needs of the residents.
Art students
- Enrico Fortuin
- Shania Talmakkies
- Brad Fortuin
- Alicia Lewis
- Salcey-Ray van Bo
- Involvement of the artist
- Use of colour Texture – variety of line, markings
- Level of interest created with texture, colour
- Creativity – difference of perception
- Neatness – control of line, colour& design
- Interpretation of the subject matter through line, colour, design and texture
- Contrast Originality, uniqueness
- “praat dit met jou?” – does it move you?
DELIBERATING… a tough task and decision
Sue Kasmar
The first prize was a ‘sure thing’ as 4 out of the 5 judges had chosen it as first without even consulting with one another! Beautifully executed!
Susan Gordon
Ellison Poe
Kaisa E Lentz • Deborah Grogins
4th and 5th came in for originality and creative thinking…